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ADL Courses

Below, the courses for the ADL program are in chronological order of enrollment. The icons below have the courses in numerical order for easy access. Each section contains a summary and the assignments for that course. 

Disruptive Innovation in Technology - 5305

Abstract Gradient


Innovation Proposal

Blended Learning Using a Rotation Model


In this proposal, I explain how blended learning can help close learning gaps but increasing student engagement, giving the opportunity for teachers to individualize instruction, and increase student achievement. 

Concepts of Educational Technology - 5302


Growth Mindset Plan:

This plan explores the differences between a growth and a fixed mindset. Based on research by Carol Dweck, I explore what it means to have a growth mindset and how to gear your mind down a growth mindset path. (Updated in 5313)



Learning Manifesto:

My learning manifesto reflects my beliefs about learning as a teacher. I explore the importance of continued lifelong learning even as a professional and how important that is for my students each year. 

Abstract Gradient


Growth Mindset Plan

Abstract Gradient


Learning Manifesto

Creating Significant Learning Environments - 5313

Abstract Gradient


Creating Significant Learning Environments

Abstract Gradient


Learning Philosophy


In this course, I learned what it meant to create a significant learning environment for my students. This environment will ultimately lead to lifelong learning for the students who enter my class. The content of this course reflects the importance of creating an environment that gives students the opportunity to have choice, ownership, and voice when it comes to their authentic learning. This will play a big role in my innovation proposal of blended learning in the classroom. One of the aspects of my proposal has students take responsibility for their learning and by building a significant learning environment, I can help set my students up for success or give them a safety net to fall into if they need it. ​

Creating Significant Learning Environments:

On this page, I explore the ideas from A New Culture of Learning and how I can use those to create a significant learning environment to enhance learning in my classroom and how it can impact my school. 



Learning Philosophy:

My learning philosophy reflects my beliefs about learning and how it relates to the Cognitive Constructivist Theory. I also explain what I am passionate about as a learner which carries over into my teaching. 

Abstract Gradient


3 Column Table:
Aligning Outcomes, Assessments, and Activities

Abstract Gradient


Understanding by Design Template

3 Column Table:

Using Fink's Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning, I created a Learning Outcomes 3 Column Table for my Human Impact Unit that I teach in my 7th Grade Science class. This is an outcomes based approach to planning that gives me the opportunity to look at the big picture of the unit. 



Understanding by Design Template:

This template goes more in depth into a section of my Human Impact Unit. Understanding by Design focuses on the goals and outcomes of the lesson, then transistions into the process to reach those. On this page, I also compare the 3 Column Table with the UbD Template and discuss how I would use each of them. 

Abstract Gradient


Growth Mindset - Revisted

Growth Mindset Plan - Revisited:

Taking a look back at my original Growth Mindset Plan, I reflect on how someone would implement this with their own learners. I discuss how a growth mindset fits with creating significant learning environments. I also explain how the growth mindset should be researched and trained for to avoid becoming another "fad" teaching technique. 

Growth Mindset Revisited

Applying Educational Technology: ePortfolio - 5303



During this course, I was able to take a closer look at the COVA model and how it goes hand-in-hand with creating significant learning environments. After going through my second semester in the ADL program, I now see what Dr. Bedard meant when she said that all of the assignments will tie together as we move through the program. This mindset is woven throughout each of the assignments and is modeled by the instructors. This makes the learning that much more authentic. I was also able to spend time reflecting on ePortfolios and how it is a true reflection of the COVA model. I am able to express my choice, ownership, and voice through my ePortfolio design and how I choose to display my learning. This entire ePorfolio is a product of this course, but you can find more of my thinking about different aspects of it and the COVA model and ePortfolios on my blog. 

Abstract Gradient



Resources for Digital Environments - 5317



In this course, I was able to research and reflect on the role of technology in the classroom. This course involved a large amount of collaboration amongst my peer group and myself. We were given the opportunity to create a podcast which lead to a really great discussion about the future of technology in education. This course also involved learning the process of publishing a piece of writing. This also included frequent feedback from peers and making adjustments along the way.  â€‹

Abstract Gradient


A Digital Discussion: Podcast

Abstract Gradient


Publication Process

A Digital Discussion: Podcast

During this podcast, I participated in a discussion with my Lamar University ADL peer group about technology and blended learning in the classroom and how it will shape the future of traditional education. 



Publication Process: During the 5317 course, I was given the opportunity to work through the process of writing for publication. I worked closely with my peer group so that we were able to use rubrics to review each other's writing and provide feedback. 

Leading Organizational Change - 5304



Leading Organizational Change focused on the skills needed to get others on board with your innovation plan and how to have crucial conversations that will arise along the way. In this course I analyzed how understanding the 4DX model and implementing those practices can help my innovation plan be successful. The details of this course can be seen in my Organizational Change Strategy. 


Abstract Gradient


Organizational Change Strategy

Developing Effective Professional Learning - 5389

Abstract Gradient


Alternative Professional Learning


The purpose of this course is to understand what alternative professional learning is and how to develop a professional learning course that will support my innovation plan. During this course I developed a professional learning course that involved 5 modules that would help teachers integrate blended learning into their classrooms. The purpose is to get teachers more familiar with blended learning and providing them with time and space to plan lessons and include a blended learning model. I combined this with my work from the Instruction Design in Online Learning (5318) course and created a Google Classroom that contains the materials for this professional learning course. 


Instructional Design in Online Learning - 5318



In this course, I developed an online course using an LMS. The system I chose to use was Google Classroom because it is what my organization uses regularly and I wanted to make sure it was something that was familiar to the teachers that I would be working with. This online course is aligned with the professional learning course from 5389. This online course holds all of the materials needed to complete the professional learning course I developed. 

Abstract Gradient


Blended Learning Academy: Online Course Design

Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction - 5315

Abstract Gradient


Action Research Plan


Through this course, I gained an understanding of the process of action research and creating an action plan to gather information. During this course, I was able develop a plan to collect research and implement a plan to help drive my innovation plan on my campus. 


Capstone: Synthesis of ADL Program - 5320



The synthesis for this ADL program involves reflecting over the past year from where I started to where I am. This is a look at the journey I have taken as I have gone through this program and created my innovation plan. I also have a reflection piece about COVA and CSLE and what I have learned from both of these. This is a great reflection of how my thinking has be reshaped over these courses. 

Abstract Gradient



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