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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

Do I Own my ePortfolio?

After reviewing the articles, I can see how sometimes the building of ePortfolios can sometimes miss the mark. If students are just using it as a place to post their assignments then it becomes just digital version of the binder that sits in your box in the back of a closet. For a ePortfolio to truley be owned by the student then the content to present must be their own that they have reflected on and have made meaninful connections to. An ePortfolio should be more than just the assignments that a student is told to do. If that is the case then that is when students have no choice, ownership, or voice in what goes onto the ePortfolio. From what I have gathered from reading these articles and what I have learned over these last few courses is that a student should be interacting with their ePortfolio on a level deeper than just posting their assignments. This is a goal for me as I continue to use mine. I do not want it to become just another thing that I did for a college class, but I want it to become something that is living and breathing and grows with me throughout my career.

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