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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

Why Use an ePortfolio?

I am so happy that I am building an ePortfolio through this program. I think back to when I graduated with my undergraduate degree and all the awesome things I did and worked on during my 4 years there and I am a little sad that all I have to show for it is a piece of paper, a number to represent my grades, and a box of binders stuffed in a closet somewhere. While good grades are important to have, how much better would it be to show the products you made during your time in school? Since starting my eP in 5302, I have shared it with friends, family members, and colleagues and all of them have mentioned how cool it is to have a record of all of the things that I am working on. I am confident in what I have done and that it will help me in the future when I am searching for new employment.

Imagine if this was commonplace among not only teachers but among students. If we could carry what we teach and what our students learn with us as we grow as teachers and learners. An eP gives the opportunity to reflect on your learning which is so important for retention and completely understanding what you learned. I am looking forward to the continued building of this site and the learning that will come along with it.

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