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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

A Digital Discussion

During the course of the ADL program at Lamar University, I have learned so much and not only from the instructors but from my peers as well. During the 5317 course, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with my peers more than I have before. Recently, we all sat down for a virtual gathering of the minds to discuss a few topics involving technology in the classroom The group consisted of myself, John Bailey, Hannah Anderson, Allison Keedy, and Jessica Benitez. Our conversation covered ePortfolios and how they can impact our students and has even impacted ourselves as we have had to develop our own ePortfolios throughout this course. We also talked about growth mindset and Blended Learning in the classroom and how they may shape the future of the traditional classroom. Being able to meet and see the different perspectives and share our experiences has been detrimental to success in this program. My innovation plan revolves around incorporating Blended Learning and I have also written an article titled "The Twenty-first Century Classroom: Intentional Technology with Blended Learning" and I believe this podcast is a great addition to these two pieces. Below are key moments in the podcast with timestamps:

  • Introductions: - 1:13

  • How do ePortfolios help us gain more learning? - 7:17

  • How are your students utilizing their portfolios? - 13:20

  • What is something you enjoy about your professional ePorfolio? - 16:57

  • Why is it important that we keep an ePortfolio? 21:48

  • How have your students received the growth mindset? 24:00

  • How has Blended Learning changed your environment? 29:40

  • How do you combat the resistance to integrate blended learning? 33:00

  • Innovation Plans: 38:10

  • Success Stories/Thoughts on the future of educational technology - 48:18

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