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Action Research Plan

Action Research teachers find the best instructional strategies for themselves or for their students. Educators can conduct action research to find out what best practices should be used and what should be changed in the classroom. There are four stages of Action Research:

1. Planning Stage:

       -  Identify the topic, review past research, and

          gather information 

2. Acting Stage: 

       -  collect and analyze data

3. Development Stage:

       - implement action plan

4. Reflection Stage:

       -  communicating and sharing results and

          reflecting on process and results

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Below are the beginning stages of my action research plan. I have identified my topic. This topic reflects my innovation plan which is implementing blended learning into the classroom. I narrowed the topic down to the effects of the station rotation and flipped models and how they improve student achievement and engagement. I then created an Action Research Outline to organize my ideas. I then backed up my topic by completing a literature review. Finally, I created my Action Research Plan that I will be able to put into place in my classroom and begin to collect data in the coming weeks. I will then be able to complete the Development Stage and the Reflection Stage. I now see how this can be a never-ending process that continually helps teachers improve their instructional strategies time and time again. â€‹

Action Research Outline

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Literature Review

Action Research   

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Mertler, C. A. (2020). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE Publications, Inc.

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