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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

Contribution to Learning: 5303 & 5313

During my 5303 and 5313 courses, I was a part of two groups and we communicated through GroupMe to collaborate and answer questions with one another.

Group Members:

  • Brian, Kathia, and Kyna

  • Hannah, Amanda, Jessica B., John, Lisa, and Nyjah

Going into the second semester of the Applied Digital Learning program at Lamar University, I knew the importance of having a group of people that I could communicate and collaborate with throughout the courses. Being able to bounce ideas off of others and talk through questions that I may have about an assignment is very helpful and contributed to me successfully completing the two courses on time and without any late assignments. The discussion boards give me an opportunity to see what other viewpoints my classmates have about a subject. This gave me a little more perspective on the weekly discussions and had me think a little deeper about the content that we were reviewing that week. I made sure that I would post each week with enough time for others to respond. I would also try to respond to 2-3 others each week. A few weeks, I did not meet this goal of responding, but I did make sure to read multiple posts after posting my own. Our group also assisted one another in the research for the Learning Philosophy assignments. Since there are so many learning theories, John had the idea of giving us a space to share the research we found on the different theories. I contributed my research so others were able to view it. This provided us with lots of resources to share and read when formulating our learning philosophy.

After taking notes over all of the videos and reading the content, I was able to attend or watch the weekly meetings with Dr. Harapnuik to further my understanding of the topic for the week. Many of the weeks I was not able to attend the live meeting, but after watching the recordings I would record my questions and reach out to those in my group that had attended that week and discuss the questions. This was very helpful and I find that the weekly classes are vital to staying on the right path with the course.

The sharing of ePortfolios in 5303 was also helpful and it was really awesome to see the different avenues that people take when creating their ePortfolios. The diversity shows how creative people are! In the groups that I worked with, we would provide feedback on the discussion boards and look at assignments as people asked for help. This is a useful tool as a fresh set of eyes can help you take your assignment to the next level.

The feedback received from my peers and from the instructors after receiving the grade on an assignment gave me the opportunity to go back and make adjustments on my assignments such as My Learning Philosophy, 3 Column Table, and Creating Significant Learning Environments. These adjustments help me create a more solid foundation as I move forward into the ADL program. In the 5303 course, I was able to explore COVA and ePortfolios in greater detail. I appreciated the opportunity to adjust my ePortfolio throughout the course and the COVA eBook that gave great insight into why the program is designed the way that it is. The readings and videos also correlated with what was being taught in the 5313 course as well. The collaboration between the two courses helps solidify the ideas in each course. It makes me very excited to see what I have at the end of this program, and I feel confident that I will have the support to help me reach my potential.

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