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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

Screencasting is Your Friend

I could not have made it through our virtual learning without audio and video recordings. When shutdown started, all instructions were just in text and I could tell my students just weren't understanding the step-by-step instructions left. I used WeVideo to record myself giving instructions and showing students how to do certain things on their Chromebooks. It was a night and day difference. And then even when we came back and I had students at home, I uploaded tips and tricks videos and left them in my Google Classroom for my students to use if they weren't sure how to do something. I love using videos for instruction. I still use them now in my classroom and plan to use them more and more! I love WeVideo because to me it is just easy to use and straightforward!

I plan to use this tool with blended learning. My goal is to have videos made with the instructions for a lesson one day and that would give me the opportunity to work with students individually and give them the chance to work at their own pace! It will also give students the chance to listen to the instructions again if they missed something.

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