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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

Peer Assessments

In my 5317 class, we are to write an article with the intention to submit it for publication. The freedom to choose what to write about was refreshing and being given the opportunity to have our peers "grade" and give suggestions was helpful. In our groups, we created a rubric that we could use to evaluate each other's writing and provide feedforward to each other. The rubric gave us a guide to keep the criteria fair and give us a starting point when writing our articles. We broke the rubric down into five sections:

  • Organization

  • Grammar

  • APA Format

  • Voice

  • Focus on Topic

Each of the categories was worth 10 points which gave us the opportunity to get a total of 50 points. There was also an area to leave feedforward to the author.

This process gives me more confidence moving forward when writing the final version of my article. The rough draft that I shared with my group was truly rough, but their feedback gave me confidence and gave me an alternative perspective on my writing. The collaboration that is involved in the ADL program is very helpful. With it being a fully virtual course, it can seem lonely at times, but having that core group of people that you can go to is so important to my success.

My Peer Review Rubric can be found here!

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