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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

Learning Revolution

I love the analogy of the carrot and stick! After watching, I was really surprised at the findings of the study with monetary prizes. Because, in theory, you would think that giving a bigger prize, that would motivate people more to do well. I mean that is the model of how many places work now, but it doesn't actually work! And maybe it does work for a while but it is not sustainable long term.

I would love to say that I support autonomy in my learning environment, but with the current model of standardized testing and curriculum in my classroom, it can be hard to do or even be allowed to do. I do understand the importance of it all though. These videos will influence my learning philosophy as I enter the next school year. I want to try to build in some time to allow for autonomy in my learning environment

. I feel like this will work well with my innovation proposal as well.

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