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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

From Fixed to Growth

As I have been reading through Dr. Dweck’s book, I am starting to realize how big of a role a fixed mindset plays in the classroom. All week I have been picking up on phrases that students, other teachers, and even myself have said that reflect that fixed mindset. This is something that I have been actively working on this week to try and correct, and I have already noticed some improvements.

I have always thought of myself as having a growth mindset and I feel like in certain areas of my life this has proved to be true. But this has shined a light on some things that I didn’t even realize about myself before. It’s like I have always noticed this about myself but it didn’t have a name. Now it does, and it is a fixed mindset. I was always the one that didn’t want to disappoint anyone, and if there was a chance of disappointment or failure, I would hesitate to even try. I was always at the top of my class and was rewarded for my good grades. I never realized until I began to look back, how something that was supposed to be positive reinforcement may have held me back from growing.

I would say the fixed mindset has definitely held me back in the past. Starting this program is a prime example. I have put off earning a master’s degree for two years because my plate has always been so full. I’m starting to realize now that, while my plate is still VERY full, that wasn’t necessarily what was holding me back. It was my fear of if I could even do it, or more importantly, would I be successful doing it? In other words, is there a chance of failure? If the answer is yes, then I’m not even going to attempt it.

My circumstances haven’t changed. No room has been cleared from my plate, but here I am. A series of events led me to take the leap into this program and I am so happy that I did. I am also so thankful that this is one of the first courses I am taking because it has helped me realize that I may struggle some, but it is going to ultimately be okay because no matter what happens, I am going to LEARN from it!

To touch on the UDL, as it says in the discussion post, an individual’s learning is unique to them and what will work for one might now work for the other, but I do feel like helping nurture the growth mindset will help no matter what that combination is.

I plan on finding more literature and videos that can help me develop these skills. I have loved Dr. Dweck’s book so much that I have listened to it every time I have a couple of minutes (I have the Kindle version with audio) and I can’t wait to learn more!

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