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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

Finding My Footing

At the beginning of this program, I would experience a lot of stress with the loose structure of the assignments. I have said this before in other discussion posts, but I have always thrived when there is a lot of structure. I’m really good at meeting expectations! But in this course, most of that responsibility has been handed over to me which was really scary.

But I will say, something that I have noticed is the sense of pride and accomplishment in what I have created so far in this program. I have been so proud of myself and the work I have done! And I really feel like that strong feeling has only come from the fact that I took control of my learning and made it work for me. I have persevered and made connections with others. It really makes me look forward to the rest of this program, even though I know it will be a challenge, I feel like I’m getting stronger every day! I never would have imagined that I would have my own website with all of this information in it, but seeing how it has evolved has been soon cool! And I can’t believe what all is already being included and it has only been a few weeks. It makes me very excited about the other courses!

I also feel like this ties into the video with the way Simon Sinek mentioned how it’s all about your why. I am starting to rediscover my “why” and why I wanted to begin this program in the first place. If I can keep my focus on the why and let the how and what follows, I believe this program will be very beneficial for me and for my school!

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