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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

Digital Toolbelt

In the digital world we live in now there are so many technology tools that we can use in the classroom. This can be both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in a way that we have some much available at our fingertips but also a curse in the way of having so much it can be hard to find good quality tools. When looking at new tools, I always look to what other teachers are using by staying in touch with PLNs. This way I can learn about new things or get new ideas about tools that I am currently using. Even after being completely digital for an entire school year, I still feel like I am learning something new all the time.

I heavily use Google Suite in my classroom and love the freedom I have in creating lessons and student work pages with Google Slides. I also use Google Forms to help quickly gather data about where my students are at with the lesson. Two of my absolute favorite tools are Nearpod and Explore Learning Gizmos.

Nearpod is such a good tool for me in the classroom because I can use real-time data while my students are following along with me to see if I need to go back and reteach in that moment. The tools and versatility of Nearpod makes it one of my favorite go-to tools and with so many options, I don’t fall into the same boring rut with each one.

My other favorite tool to use is Explore Learning Gizmos. My district has adopted this program and I use it frequently in my science class. It was a lifesaver during our remote learning time. It consists of online simulators that simulate labs and other experiments that students can do virtually. It is a great tool in describing some abstract concepts that are hard to picture by just reading about it.

These tools are my favorites because they provide rich and meaningful learning but also give me the freedom and versatility to make it fit my classroom and my students. This is something that can be hard to come by when looking for online tools to enhance learning. I will always implement these two things in my classroom and I believe my students are benefiting from them.

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