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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

A Little Reassurance

Mapping your Learners Journey -

After reading Dr. H's blog post and watching the videos, I actually felt a sense of reassurance. Since starting this course, I was beginning to question if I had done much right in my classroom to be quite honest. This wasn't a bad thing, it caused me to take a step back and look at myself with constructive criticism and see areas of needed improvement that I hadn't noticed before. The reassurance I felt this week gave me a sigh of relief. As I looked at the 3 column table and learned about Fink's taxonomy. I have had the opportunity to write curriculum for my district, and a lot of the professional development I went through to prepare for that reflected a lot of what was said in the video. The 3 column table also reflects our Collaborative Team Framework that we use when we are planning lessons for our classroom. We always use backward design when we are planning, we look at the outcomes we are trying to achieve and then figure out how we are going to get there and how we are going to know our students learned what the outcomes were. Then we will come up with solutions on what to do if students do not show mastery or if they do. This is part of what I placed my innovation proposal on. This way of alignment is so important for students and teachers. It keeps you focused on the right things. So as I said before, I was reassured that I am on the right track in this way of thinking. This framework has helped me grow as a teacher over the past couple of years and helps me focus on what needs to be taught instead of getting caught up in all of the details. There are still some areas that can grow because there is always room for growth, but I do love using this way of thinking when designing lessons.

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