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  • Writer's pictureJessica Ellison

5317: A Bit Overwhelmed

I will say that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with this assignment in this course. While it excites me to think about the opportunity it presents, it is hard to narrow it down to one specific thing that I can write about. I also am finding it to be a bit restrictive that it needs to tie to our innovation proposal. I mean, I understand why that is, but there are certain things I would like to write about that may not necessarily tie into blended learning. But I guess I can hang onto those ideas if I choose to write something else or make it into a good blog post one day!

My idea for publication has to do with blended learning in the classroom that increases student engagement and differentiation. Making sure lessons are differentiated to each learner can be a challenge, especially for those of us in a secondary setting where we can have close to 150 kids and only 45 minutes in a class period with them. And I can imagine that elementary educators can have the same challenges because of all of the content that has to squeeze into a day. I hope to share ideas on how it can be implemented and address some of the hesitations that may come with implementing this type of model in the classroom.

I am not familiar with many publication sites, so I am excited about looking through other posts to find some ideas and resources. One of the sites I was considering was Edutopia. It is such a great site with so many resources. I also would like to look into ISTE and their Edtech journals as well.

I feel like Google Docs is the best tool to use in these situations. It allows you to leave comments or make suggestions in real-time and can be accessed from anywhere. That is what I plan on using when writing.

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